Angel came to Advocates 4 Animals after she had been cruelly tossed from a moving vehicle and left to die on the side of a country road. A construction worker witnessed this and ran to see what had been thrown. What he found was an unmoving kitten in a ditch on the side of the road. Angel was hardly breathing. She had broken bones throughout her body, including her leg. She had road rash and a severe wound to her eye and mouth from being thrown. Advocates 4 Animals was contacted and Angel came to us that day in terrible shape. She was unable to move at all. Despite being told she wouldn't "make it", we saw her strong spirit and the determination in her eyes to survive. With around the clock care, a miracle happened and Angel survived. And not only did she survive, she is now thriving. Her broken bones have all healed, her eye injury and mouth injuries have healed as well.
During Angel's recovery, she instantly became best friends with another kitten who was in recovery at A4A named Amiee. Amiee had also been tossed from a moving vehicle and suffered her own set of severe injuries. In addition, Amiee had a brain tumor. Despite their difficult starts in life, both went on to thrive together, side by side. Amiee had 2 wonderful years at A4A full of happiness and joy. Sadly, after 2 years she passed away from her brain tumor. Angel still loves to sleep in the pet bed she and Amiee once spent lots of time snuggling in together.
Angel is untrusting of new humans due to the severity of abuse in her past, in addition, she has a medical/eye condition that is unable to be healed and requires ongoing care and therefore remains at Advocates 4 Animals for lifetime care. She is so grateful for everything. She loves playing with the laser light toy, carrying toy springs and toy mice in her mouth and asking us to throw them for her (she even fetches the toys and brings them back). She is such a special rescue feline and she is living a life she once could only dream about.
Will you Sponsor Angel? She would be so appreciative of your support!