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Amiee and Angel were both rescued separately at A4A - within exactly one week from each other. Both were found in two different cities. Both found in the road. Amiee was meowing desperately for help. She was unable to see due to the severity of her untreated eye infections and was badly emaciated and covered in fleas and parasites. Angel had been ruthlessly tossed from a moving vehicle and was found on a construction site, lifeless in the ditch next to the roadside. She had a badly wounded eye (could not open), severely wounded jaw and nose, deep wounds on her head and body and broken ribs and a broken back leg. She was unable to stand or move at all. Both Amiee & Angel were so young at the time of their rescues that they were handfed around the clock, along with providing them with all of the emergency medical care they needed. The two instantly bonded with each other and became best friends. Having each other, they healed together - physically and emotionally. Both of their recoveries are nothing less than total miracles!
While the girls have made full recoveries since their rescue, due to the severity of the condition in which she came to us, Amiee suffers from chronic and severe URI's (upper respiratory infections) - which will impact her for her entire life. While Angel is healthy, she does suffer from a vision issue - and the bond that the two girls have means that they need to stay together -- as they keep each other's spirits happy and they do *everything* together (bathe each other, cuddle together, play together). Both Amiee & Angel remain at A4A as lifelong residents - receiving the very best ongoing care and staying together. They hope you'll choose to be their Guardian Angel Sponsor! They would be so appreciative!
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for Amiee & Angel