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Angels at Rest Program

Angels at Rest is a place to honor the memory of lost loved ones – from the animal kingdom. For a donation, you can submit your photo and short write-up to be added to our Angels at Rest page. We are forever dedicated to the loving memory of all those who have crossed over the Rainbow Bridge. We hope to honor their memories here, with your support. After you submit your donation, please contact us in regards to the photo to be used in memory of your loved one.


"We rescued "Grandma" back in 2011. She had been used in a puppy mill her entire life. Her feet had never left her wire crate. When the puppy mill was done using her they tossed her in a kill shelter where she was deemed "vicious" because she was terrified. A volunteer from the shelter contacted us and asked us to help and said we were the last hope. She was infested with fleas, had no hair, was terribly emaciated and he teeth were so severely infected all but 3 had to be pulled. She also had pyometria and if we hadn't rescued her that day and had her spayed, she wouldn't have made it another day. But she was saved. That was back in 2011. She was estimated at the time to be 12-15 years old. On 8/6/14 Grandma died in my arms and we miss her terribly already. She was a little dog with a big personality."


Connor and his brother Murphy were best friends. Sadly, Connor passed away unexpectedly (suspected blood clot or possibly an issue he was born with). He is incredibly missed and was incredibly loved by his family- the Wilson's, and he will forever remain in their hearts.


Jackson is greatly missed. He was with us for 9 days and nights before he passed away. He was the runt of an orphaned litter of kittens- left abandoned by the river to fend for themselves. Jackson did not have use of his back-legs and needed around the clock care and feeding- but he continued to make improvements every day. Although he weighed less than 1 lb. he purred, played and loved every minute of life. He is so greatly missed...


Willie and his brother Si are incredibly missed. Two young souls who endured a difficult start in life. Such loving little ones who passed much too early. Our hearts are with them both.

Willie & Si
Feral Friends

After rescuing two feral cats- each from different rescue situations, the two cats became the very best of friends at A4A. Although once rescued and fully vetted we could never touch them ourselves, they were safe in a cat fenced area with plush heated outdoor huts, a heated water bowl and plenty of good nutrition. The cats lived in a safe small feral cat colony and thrived. They snuggled up together in their various huts, they bathed each other, they played together and on sunny days they would find a good spot to curl up together and enjoy the sunlight. They were inseparable and to watch their bond grow and blossom each day was amazing. Sadly towards the end of 2013 both feral cats passed away. One just several months before the other (of natural causes) and we are deeply saddened at their loss. Although they were feral cats and we were unable to touch them, they would always come within a foot or two of us when we placed out new food, fresh water or if we were working on new landscaping for their colony. Their tails were always held high, and often intertwined with each others as they trotted around, happy as could be. Our hearts are with the feral friends as they cross over the Rainbow Bridge. They are greatly missed!


Rescued during his time of need, Jamie was a sweet and gentle kitten- with a heart of gold. He was greatly loved by all- especially by his foster family. Our hearts are with Jamie as we are deeply saddened at his passing.


Our hearts are incredibly sad as we share this news with you. Betsy, a permanent resident here at A4A passed away in the arms of our co-founders yesterday. Betsy was rescued as a senior feline with countless health issues- found in a garbage can 4 years ago. With her ongoing health issues and age, we decided to keep her with us at A4A to provide her with everything she needed- including lots of love in her senior years. Despite a very difficult life prior to rescue and with her senior age, Betsy lived 4 years here at A4A and she loved sitting next to us (she had such a great purr!) and she had a special cat bed - all her own- in a sunny window we called "Betsy's Window"- b/c it was her favorite place. Her years at A4A were wonderful years. We miss Betsy so much. We are thankful that she knew love for the last 4 years of her life- and we're grateful we had the opportunity of knowing her. She was such a loving soul.


Baby came to A4A Rescue as a 1 day old orphaned kitten-- found all alone while working on a TNR (Feral Cat Project). Bottle fed from the very first day, Baby made an amazing recovery and was soon thereafter adopted by her A4A foster parents- as they became very attached to this sweet girl. Baby recently passed away as it was estimated that she may have developed a brain tumor. Baby passed away in the arms of her human. She is greatly missed and will always be remembered.


Tatyana was rescued by A4A after she found herself in need of medical care and with little time left at a high-kill shelter. She had been born in filthy conditions and because of this, her back legs had been eaten away by maggots. When rescued by A4A, Tatyana was surrounded by a great veterinary staff and volunteer foster home- and lots of visitors. Everyone who met Tatyana fell in love with her. She was incredibly sweet and kind. A petite girl, so full of love and happiness. Tatyana was later adopted into a loving, forever home to call her very own and she shared a dream life with her human, Brandi H. who surrounded her with so much love and kindness-- it was the home Tatyana could once only dream of. In her recent passing, Nina is greatly missed. She was a very special feline and is incredibly loved by everyone who knew her.


It has been one year since our Haze was taken from us by the senseless act of a police officer's bullet. This past year has been unbearable without Haze in our family and we miss him every single day. We miss Haze's "honk" meow, him asking us to go nite-nite on his red blanket, and him just asking for a head scratch and a kiss. Marlowe still watches for Haze at night out the back window. We cannot express enough our sincere gratitude for the compassion and support of Advocates 4 Animals. It has meant the world to us that we have so many supporters from our family and friends who knew and loved Haze, to those supporters who never met him. Haze is with the angels now, and hopefully running and playing with Mandy. We love and miss you, Haze. Randy and Dori Stone


Chet never lost faith in humans even after everything he had been through! I miss him everyday. - Rita Boyde


Boodles was a family member for 16+ years. He use to play with the dog, silently walking by to turn and nip her ear, then play chase and wrestle with her. Neither one of them ever hurting the other. They'd curl up and sleep together. He wasn't too sure of the new cat when we brought her home after the dog passed. But she just kept coming and curling up with him and they soon became fast friends. No matter where Boodles was, if you stopped to pet or pick him up, he'd purr real loud and curl and uncurl his front paws. You know he loved you and loved the attention. We miss our Boodle baby. - Michele Bauer and Family


In loving memory of George, our foster kitty. George has a rough beginning as he was born in a large feral cat colony in Jamestown, Oh. He and 6 other kittens were rescued as they were very sickly. During their rehabilitation, we discovered 4 of the cats were Feline Leukemia positive. As a result, we separated the kittens to avoid spreading the disease. He was a very affectionate kitty who loved to be held and played with. He spent most of the day following us or lounging in our laps. he would cry if he was left alone for any period of time. George was never adopted and eventually died from the disease. Without the support from Advocates 4 Animals, he would not have lived as long as he did. We miss him dearly, and he will always have a special place in our hearts :) - Melissa


Tigger - we miss you so much! Thank you for sharing so many years with us. I remember the day we rescued you from the shelter... I was so happy to have you as part of our family. You were such a great snuggler and a wonderful lap warmer... you had the greatest purr too! We miss you so much and we love you... -AEB


In loving memory of Buster. You were the most loving, funny feline! You are so very missed... I was lucky enough to have 10 wonderful years with you before we lost you to Pancreatic Cancer. We love you so much and we miss you tons! -SLR


Mitchell, you were only with us for a few short years, but you made such a huge impact on our lives and you are so terribly missed. Little A still remembers you and asks about you every now and then. I will make sure that he never forgets you. Thank you for being such a great companion. Sleep soundly, old friend. -BJS



A4A is now closed. We are incredibly grateful to have helped thousands of lives and so appreciative of 22+ years of kindness and support!

Thank you! 

Advocates 4 Animals, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) Ohio non-profit organization. Our mission is to reduce feline homelessness by providing low cost spay/neuter options to Ohio residents. In addition, Advocates 4 Animals provides Humane Education.

All donations are tax-deductible.

EIN#: 26-451-5842

© Copyright Advocates 4 Animals, Inc. 2024 - 2025

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